Why is Sia not showing her face? Is she that ugly?

No, it’s just marketing I guess. Sia wants to gain more visibility by hiding her face. If you don’t make people curious as an artist, it’s very hard to get to them. Fortunately, Sia made people very curious but also her voice is magnificent.

This could be one reason for Sia wearing a mask or wig, and the other one could be this anti-fame manifest that she wrote for Billboard in 2013:

“If anyone besides famous people knew what it was like to be a famous person, they would never want to be famous.”

Sia says that she was happier before being famous. She is a very shy person and has the fear-of-fame syndrome.

In 2010, Sia thought a lot of taking her life, as she was very addicted on drugs and alcohol from the same reason… the pressure of being notorious.

And no, she’s not ugly : Or I let you decide

A huge band in Romania called Carla’s Dreams also chose to mask their faces with paint. And this decision is part of their marketing strategy, too.

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