Water & Health
Wiki, Facts

Water & Health Wiki, Facts

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Water & Health  Wiki

  • Water is a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance that is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans, and the fluids of most living organisms

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 Water & Health facts

  • Its chemical formula is H2O, meaning that its molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, that are connected by covalent bonds
  • Water strictly refers to the liquid state of that substance, that prevails at standard ambient temperature and pressure; but it often refers also to its solid state (ice) or its gaseous state (steam or water vapor)
  • It also occurs in nature as snow, glaciers, ice packs and icebergs, clouds, fog, dew, aquifers, and atmospheric humidity
  • Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface
  • It is vital for all known forms of life
  • On Earth, 96
  • 5% of the planet's crust water is found in seas and oceans, 1
  • 7% in groundwater, 1
  • 7% in glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water bodies, and 0
  • 001% in the air as vapor, clouds (formed of ice and liquid water suspended in air), and precipitation

Bio / wiki sources: Wikipedia, accounts on social media, content from our users.

Wiki & wealth sources: Wikipedia, TMDb, social media accounts, users content, wealth specialized websites
Photo credit: https://www.wikipedia.org/
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