Father & Sons
Wiki, Facts

Father & Sons Wiki, Facts

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Father & Sons  Wiki

  • A father is the male parent of a child

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 Father & Sons facts

  • Besides the paternal bonds of a father to his children, the father may have a parental legal and social relationship with the child that carries with it certain rights and obligations, although this varies between jurisdictions
  • An adoptive father is a male who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption
  • A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the baby, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation
  • A biological father may have legal obligations to a child not raised by him, such as an obligation of monetary support
  • A putative father is a man whose biological relationship to a child is alleged but has not been established
  • A stepfather is a male who is the husband of a child's mother and they may form a family unit, but who generally does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child
  • The adjective "paternal" refers to a father and comparatively to "maternal" for a mother
  • The verb "to father" means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the noun "fathering"
  • Biological fathers determine the sex of their child through a sperm cell which either contains an X chromosome (female), or Y chromosome (male)
  • Related terms of endearment are dad (dada, daddy), papa/pappa, papasita, (pa, pap) and pop

Bio / wiki sources: Wikipedia, accounts on social media, content from our users.

Wiki & wealth sources: Wikipedia, TMDb, social media accounts, users content, wealth specialized websites
Photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/120504124721981
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